Wednesday, September 9, 2015

7 de Setembro!!

Sorry I'm running out of time so I'm just gonna send what I sent to President again:

A semana foi boa. A gente gostou muito do desfile! Foi muito divertido. 

Victória (que tem 8 anos e é a filha de uma menos ativa) foi batizada quarta feira. Foi muito legal e a mãe dela (Eliane) trouxe o namorado dela (Jacó) para o batismo. Ele não é um membro então começamos a ensinar ele. Ele foi na igreja e ele está gostando de tudo. O problema é que ele está morando com Eliane mesmo que eles não são casados legalmente. Então ensinamos a lei da castidade e eles têm problemas com café então estamos ajudando eles com esse problema também.

Estamos tendo dificuldades porque nossa área fica muito longe da capela (quase uma hora andando) então tem muitas que não querem ir pra igreja por causa disso.

This week was good. We really liked the show! It was very funny. 
Victoria (who is 8 years old and is the daughter of a less active ) was baptized on Wednesday . It was awesome and her mother (Eliane) brought her boyfriend (Jacob) for the baptism. He is not a member so we started teaching him . He came to and enjoyed it. The problem is that he is living with Eliane even though they are not legally married . We taught them the law of chastity and they have problems with coffee so we're helping them with that problem too . We are having trouble because our area is far from the chapel (almost an hour's walk) so there are many who do not want to go to church for that reason.


Eu amo vocês!!!

Com amor,
<3 Sister Earls

Oh and I hit my 11 month mark which is crazy!

Today is Sister Richards birthday and I got to see her yesterday because it was 7 de setembro which is Independence Day in Brasil and there was a parade and our stake participated! It was awesome!

Victória foi batizada!

It was Sister Sosa's birthday quinta feira so I made a super awesome brownie cake and we celebrated after our district meeting :) It's super weird to have a small district now...

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