Friday, January 9, 2015

Três Mêses!!!

Hey hey!! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's and didn't party too hard :) 

This week was long and intense and exciting and fun as always haha And I'm 21 now...So that's really weird. 

Anyways, this was a really good week and we found a lot of new investigators so that was awesome!!

Monday - We had noite familiar with Alissandra, Manuel, e Antonio! They're all recent converts and the oldest is like 15 or 16. They're such awesome kids. It just sucks because their dad doesn't want to meet with us and I think their mom is a member but the parents aren't together and she isn't really active anyways...But I seriously love those kids. I'll have to take a pic with them :) We also met with Ajinilsa again and taught more of the Plan of Salvation.

Tuesday - Birthday!! This day was really hot and really long and we walked a lot haha quite the celebration. But we got acai so it was amazing :) We also met with Benedito this night and he gave us bolo (cake) and soda and he gave me some really nice expensive soap as a bday present :) He always gives us desserts when we visit him. And I thought it was kinda weird to get a present, but Sis W said he gives stuff to all the missionaries.

Wednesday - We had lunch in Guriri with a member who has a really nice house and her daughters are the cutests little girls every. They were playing with my hair for a solid 30 min (it was more like ripping out all of my hair and making the rest of it tangly haha) and they were watching Frozen so we got to see a little and listen to the music (so bad)! 

Thursday - I gave a spiritual thought in Portuguese at our District meeting which was a big deal for me haha And we had churrasco for lunch with a less active!! So good!

Friday - We met with Raynner!! He is a wonderful guy who has a great family and they're some of our new investigators this week. I'll have to tell y'all more once we meet with him more. But I helped Sis W teach the first lesson to him and his wife and I said the first vision perfectly and the Spirit was so strong. We also met with Nilse and her neice or daughter (I think) Priscilla.

Saturday - I don't really remember much from this day...

Sunday - Alissandra, Manuel, and Antonio came to church with us. We walked a lot after lunch trying to find potentials in Cohab but we got kinda lost so that was kind of a fail. We did end up finding their house after going to a different house and teaching a lesson to a random woman, but there was nobody there...

So this morning during personal study, I was reading conference talks from the most recent General Conference because I've been trying to read them more the past couple of weeks. Y'all should read them all even if you watched conference because they really are amazing!
These were some of my favorites:
Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
"The Church is not just for perfect people, but it is for all to 'come unto Christ, and be perfected in him (Mor 10:32)." Love this so much. It's so true.

Ponder the Path of Thy Feet (President Thomas S. Monson)
We need to follow in the path of our Savior.

Eu amo vocês!

Com amor,
Sister Alia Yun Earls

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